B.A.S…170 & Going Stronger!

seniors.groupThe Buckingham Active Seniors (B.A.S.) group was formed in late 2010 by a core group of members that wanted more opportunities for area seniors to have an engaging, active outlet that met the needs of senior citizens in our community. This small group of about 20 members has now grown today in what is a membership of over 170 members! The B.A.S. has the largest active membership of any seniors group outside of corporate (J.A.B.A.) entities operating within a 5 county radius. The B.A.S. members have continuously strived to work with the Buckingham County Dept. of Parks and Recreation to offer the best opportunities for area seniors as possible, and looks forward to the continued growth and development of the program. The B.A.S. is run through the County Recreation Department, led by program director Kristen Queen, Assistant Director of Buckingham Parks & Recreation. The B.A.S. also consists of Board members that include current Chairman Dot Ragland, Secretary Carol Luke, Treasurer Naomi Gause, and additional committee members.

The Buckingham Active Seniors (B.A.S.) comprises of senior citizens age 50+ that reside in or nearby Buckingham County, and is FREE to join. The B.A.S. holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm at the V.F.W. Hall located on Rt. 60. Each month there is a specific theme to take part in. Themes have included Valentines, St Patrick’s Day, Funny Hat, Cinco De Mayo, Annual Outdoor Picnic, Country Western, Patriotic, Luau, and Halloween. Annually, in November the B.A.S. hosts a Thanksgiving Luncheon as we end the year. At each month’s meeting formal program business is discussed, followed by an informative program, activity, or guest speaker. Members also participate in group crafts and activities after each meeting that is member led by those wishing to share their skills and talents.Members have also formed a recreational bowling group that attends Main St. Lanes in Farmville for bowling outings at least once per month. There is also a group that visits nursing homes, and participates in community services based activities. We are planning to offer exercise classes for seniors as well, and are looking into expanding with more programs in 2015 with some exciting new possibilities in store.

There are no annual membership fees, or dues, but there are costs for special events or trips taken, but these fees are kept as low as possible to ensure that every member can afford to participate. We take special care to take into account all the needs of our senior citizen population. The B.A.S. members take several trips throughout the year. Past trips have included a trip to Richmond Capitol, Virginia State Fair, Lewis Ginter Gardens & Holiday Light Tour, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Washington D.C. National Mall & Potomac River boat tour, Natural Bridge, Poplar Forrest & D-Day Memorial, Riverside Dinner Theatre, local day trips, and McGuire’s Veteran’s Hospital to deliver donations members collected. The B.A.S. also participates in community service projects that include a dedication flower garden that was installed at Ellis Acres Memorial Park and is maintained by the group, and members also volunteer throughout the community.

As the demographics change we will continue to see a growing number of seniors that are looking for fun, active programming that puts their needs first. This creates an interesting challenge for those of us in the recreational field, for what meets the needs of seniors today will be different than those of the seniors of tomorrow. This is one reason the B.A.S. strives to have a diverse offering of programs and activities, and looks only to further expand as the needs change for the upcoming seniors generations. It is interesting to note that over the next 35 years as the “Boomer” generation ages, we will have for the first time more senior citizens involved in recreational/leisure activities than youth. The ability to recognize these coming trends affords the Buckingham Recreation Department the opportunities to adapt and expand our programming for a very diverse demographic sector in our community.

New members are always welcome, so come and attend a meeting on a second Tuesday as this is a fantastic time to come see what we are all about!

Submitted by Kristen Queen, Program Director

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Buckingham County Historic Village

Tubing Down the James River