FOR THE BEST PRODUCTION OF BEEF…Buckingham’s Agriculture Resource Network B.A.R.N.

by Sharon Curran Wright

Cattle relaxing in the BARN, waiting on their ride.

The Buckingham Cattlemen’s Association has operated since 1978 as a large group of like-minded cattle producers that strive for the production of quality beef in Southside Virginia. Through its partnership with the Virginia Cooperative Extension (B.C.E.), extension agents are able to bring research and resources from our land-grant universities straight to producers. The Association continues to grow and develop new, innovative ways for producers to market their cattle and beef in Virginia. 

The group holds quarterly educational meetings for members on the latest topics in beef production, such as cattle handling, proper health care and nutrition, genetics, reproduction, business, and marketing. In addition, the Association assists in compiling data on average daily gain of cattle, economical livestock practices, feed efficiency and quality, mineral formulation, and vaccine effectiveness. 

Seats 250 people. Great for educational programming and meetings.

The BCA in partnership with V.C.E., helps to educate the area producers in sponsoring a Tel-o- Auction with the Virginia Cattlemen’s Association to assist area producers in marketing their cattle. Cattle must qualify for a strict vaccination, genetic, and pre- weaning protocol and are also age and source verified. All the qualifications for this sale are put in place to aid in research and knowledge gained in new trends of marketing cattle and educating area producers of what practices will be economically efficient and profitable. 

Benefits for members of the BCA include a spring bred heifer sale, a fall feeder calf sale, discounts on vaccines and a breeding program, bulk pricing on mineral orders, and group scheduling of health checks, along with free use of branding irons, cattle scales, and squeeze chute. Members also can participate in an annual opportunity for a college scholarship and the option of renting the BARN facility, which has an indoor meeting and event space with commercial kitchen and, a covered outdoor cattle handling facility with multiple pens and a large arena. 

The Buckingham Cattlemen’s Association holds dinner meetings in January and April, then picnic  meetings in July and October, all of which include an educational program. More details can be found at, or see the ad on page 63.

Loading out feeder calves.