by Sharon Curran Wright

The Buckingham Active Seniors a fun group of individuals, ages 50 and up, who come together to share common interests and explore new ones. Their goal is to provide fun and exciting activities for senior citizens in Buckingham County.
The Buckingham Active Seniors has grown tremendously since their start in late 2010. They meet at 1:00 on the second Tuesday of each month except in June, November, and December at the Buckingham Community Center beside Dollar General in Dillwyn. They strive for positive, informative, and enjoyable quality programs and events for members. Along with socializing, members contribute a dish for the refreshment table and settle in to learn something new from the variety of speakers who have participated. Over the past two years, various local groups have spoken of the services they provide, and others have provided information about exercises to do at home, facts and resources related to Alzheimer’s disease, and how to avoid scams. Special talks by Marian Kyner, MSN, RN, informed the group about dementia and keeping the brain healthy, being social to live longer, and the relationship between music and memory.
The group also sponsors trips outside the area. In May of 2023, they took a boat to Tangier Island for a tour and lunch. In September of 2023, they went to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for two days to see a play and visit the Amish Markets.

On the third Tuesday of the month, the Buckingham Active Seniors have a “Fun Day.” This could mean a movie or games, and Bingo is always a big hit. They have visited Saunders’ Orchard and had lunch at Lovingston Inn. A trip to the Shenandoah Heritage Market provided an opportunity to shop and get lunch at the Wood Grill. In January they held a Yard Sale Swap for Fun Day, where people exchanged items. In June of each year, members meet at a selected park for a “Senior Picnic,” and in September they will meet for a fish fry.
In June of 2023, the group held a “Senior Prom,” a wonderful evening of getting dressed up for dinner and dancing that was so popular they plan to do it again this year. At Thanksgiving they invite veterans from the community to join them for a large luncheon so they can be recognized for their service and share in the meal. Our seniors are also encouraged to bring non-perishable food items, toys, and clothing to donate to Buckingham County families in need.

The Buckingham Active Seniors get together for fellowship and to possibly learn something new. Seventy or eighty members bring food for the refreshment table and enjoy talking after the regular meeting on the second Tuesday. The third Tuesday of the month is “Fun Day” when they will get together for a movie or games or travel. Meetings are held at the Community Center beside Dollar General in Dillwyn. Membership is free, so grab a friend and join the fun! For more information, contact Wendy Spivey at 969-4242, ext. 1216.