(dates subject to change due to COVID19 pandemic. For up-to-date information, call 983-2372.)
Plan to attend the 5th Annual “Vino in the Village” to be held on Saturday, Sept. 19th , 2020 from 11 am.-3 pm. at The Historic Village at Lee Wayside, 2 miles west of Sprouses Corner. (84 Lee Wayside Village) Vineyards from all over central Virginia will bring their finest bottles for tasting.
Attendees are invited to sit back and enjoy live music on the Village stage from bluegrass to jazz .A fine art show will add to their enjoyment of this special event held under the beautiful shade trees at the historic village. This family friendly festival also has a children’s activity area sponsored by the Buckingham County Library.
For more information, contact Martha Louis at marthalouis60@gmail.com
This event is sponsored by Historic Buckingham Inc. All donations go toward Village development and up-keep. HBI is a 501 (C )3 organization.
Admission: Tasters-$15 (includes glass). General admission-$10 (non-tasters). Children 12 and under free.
Previous Scenes
Plan to Attend These Fun Events!

The Fall Farm Fest is October 3rd

Other special events not pictured here:
Primitive Technology Day is April 18, 11–4
Vino in The Village is Sept. 19, 11-3 (see page 86)
Indian Relic Show Oct 10
Indian Relic Show (TBA)