New Bakery/Party Venue Open in Dillwyn
Buckingham County native Chanita Ayers has opened a new bakery/event center, the Cake Place, in Dillwyn.
Asked how she learned her baking skills, Ayers said “I’ve always been crafty and good with my hands. I dabbled in baking and cooking as I grew up. God put me into a position at my former church to be the “Hospitality Manager”. There is where I fell in love with wanting to be of service to people by preparing foods and dressing up the atmosphere to create experiences that would make them smile.”
With frequent requests from family and friends and a need for extra money, Ayers decided to start charging for some things. This led to her opening a little side business, and she started to gain more interests in weddings and event planning, including her own wedding!
“A couple of years ago the company where I worked 10 years closed, but the experience I had gained managing people and logistics stayed with me, skills needed for the success of my new business,” Ayers said. For more information, please see the ad on page 5.

Lindsey & Jane
New Health & Beauty Spa Open
The Sunshine and Roses Spa opened last Fall in the village of Buckingham Ct. House. Owner Jane Lann is a native of Buckingham County and is the former Jane Hamlett.
Lann received her training at the Prince Edward School of Cosmetology, where she earned her State Board license in 2020. She also received her Reflexology Certification last year at Mandala Healing Arts, in Northern Va.
Asked how she became interested in the health and beauty profession, she said that “I wanted to open my own spa ever since i was licensed. I would go to spas and leave feeling better and just over- all relaxed. I wanted to do the same for other people. It’s nothing like helping others and connecting with people.
Associate Lindsey Wells received her Massage license at Miller-Motte Technical School, in Lynchburg, In 2017.
For more information, see their ad on page 4.
Truck & Tractor Pull Scheduled to Return (subject to COVID restrictions)
About 2500 attended the first Truck & Tractor Pull in 2019, and it was a shame that it had to be canceled last year. But plans have been made to have it again this year unless COVID restrictions prevent it.
The 2021 Buckingham County Volunteer Fire Department Truck & Tractor Pull is planned for Sat., July 24, at the same location as it was in 2019, 364 Wingo Rd., adjacent to the Dillwyn Volunteer Fire Department. The exact time was yet to be determined at press time, but the rain date will be the next day, Sunday, July 25. Ticket prices will be the same as in 2019, $15 per person over 10 yrs. old, and free for those 10 and under. Proceeds from this popular event will go to all Buckingham County fire departments.
For more information, contact Jason Wharam at (434) 547-5031