Buckingham County Turns 250!

Buckingham County turns 250 years old this year and Historic Buckingham, Inc. and the County of Buckingham have gone together to form a committee to plan for some proper celebrations. Our kick off will be Saturday, April 2nd at 2pm in the Courthouse Square complete with cake and punch! There will be music of all kinds, re-enactors in costume, and much more ! Two gentlemen of the period, Peter Francisco and Patrick Henry, are coming by horse and buggy to the event. Don’t miss it.

Of course the main event will be “Buckingham County Day” on May 14th. Coordination with The Lions Club on floats and period exhibits will make for an extra special day for all! Everyone will be encouraged to use the 250th anniversary theme.

Some other events are in the planning stage. The committee also has produced a nice assortment of souvenirs including a coffee mug , a garden flag, tiles and t-shirts.

Note: The area that is Buckingham County was originally part of the huge county of Henrico, later to be part of Albemarle and in 1761 becoming officially Buckingham County. Henrico celebrates its 400th birthday this year !